Groundwater Special Vulnerability and Its Assessment in Guanzhong Basin 关中盆地地下水特殊脆弱性及其评价
The Research on Special Assessment Funds Accounting on Government Accounting; The CFs Comparison of Accrual-oriented Government Accounting Model& Evidence form American and Australian Federal Financial Accounting 政府会计模式下建立特种基金会计的探讨应计导向政府会计模式的概念框架比较研究&以美国、澳大利亚联邦政府会计为例
According to safety circumstance in non-coal mines, it is pointed out that special safety assessment should be positively made in non-coal mines at present and in a coming period. 根据非煤矿山安全现状,指出在当前和今后一段时间,应积极推进非煤矿山专项安全评价;
On Special Safety Assessment on Fire Accidents and Ground Pressure Risks for Non-coal Mine 论非煤矿山火区及地压隐患安全专项评价
A special assessment will be conducted for any main draw matches between players from the same country. 对任何来自同一个国家的球员之间的正选赛比赛进行特别评估。
Special attention will be given to the assessment of the status of parents of the hearing impaired and the evaluation of family-based rehabilitation effects. 其中,重点介绍了家长素质及家庭康复效果的评估内容和方法。
Part three is accounting recognition, measurement and report of special assessment funds, which include standard and basement of recognition, attribution and composition of measurement, content of financial report. 特种基金的会计要素与企业会计要素相比有着不同的内涵,所以对其的确认与计量就要进行重点研究,尤其是确认标准、确认基础、计量属性以及计量构成。
But in our country many construction corporations lack proper tools and special people of risk assessment, no mention to researching the strategies. 遗憾的是,目前我国许多施工企业缺少有效的风险评价工具和专门的风险管理人员,也就更谈不上对风险的应对。
Research on Special Equipment's Safety Assessment Indexes System 特种设备安全评价指标体系研究
Current study on assessment is restricted to the special domain of value assessment. 既有的评价研究把评价局限在价值评价这个特殊领域。
Special Map Information System of Environment Impact Assessment Based on GIS 基于GIS的环境影响评价专题图信息系统
This thesis is an action research report on how to help students with special majors become autonomous learners through formative assessment. 本文是一篇通过形成性评价培养大学特殊专业学生自主学习能力的行动研究报告。
Exercising special safety assessment and locating accurately for serious hidden safety problems existing in non-coal mines can provide a scientific basis for safety supervision done by Mine Safe Production Department and Safety Supervision Department so that serious and special accidents can be controlled effectively. 实施专项安全评价,对非煤矿山存在的重大安全隐患准确定位,可为矿山安全生产和安全监督管理部门实施安全监管提供科学依据,能有效遏制重特大事故的发生。
The item feasibility and safety state are decided usually by the conclusion of special safety assessment. 专项安全评价结论通常决定项目的可行性或安全状态。
This part also defines special assessment funds, emphasizes the feasibility and necessary of setting up special assessment funds in the China and also introduce the flow of its financial resources. 在此基础上本部分重点定义了特种基金会计和建立特种基金会计的必要性和可行性,介绍了特种基金的财务资源流程,这样也就界定了本文的研究范围。
But there exists deficiencies in present teaching assessment, it is necessary to set up a special section for teaching assessment to examine, assess and determine the work of the university in every aspect. 而现行的教学评价体系与方法存在着不足,我们有必要设立一个教学评价的专门机构对学校各方面工作进行检查、评价和鉴定。
Just because of its special value, nowadays, education assessment has become one of the three fields of education scientific study as well as the important content of China's new cycle of elementary education curriculum reform. 正是因为它独具价值,从而成为了当今教育科学研究的三大领域之一,也同时成为我国新一轮基础教育课程改革的重点内容。
Some Special Problems about Assessment of the Influence of Mine Exploitation on the Environment 试谈矿山开发环境影响评价的几个特殊问题
Rating scales are of special importance in writing assessment. Different scoring methods will exert different influence on the scores test takers receive from the raters. 评分标准在写作测试中非常重要,使用不同的评分方法会影响评卷者的评分行为。
Special Morals and the Moral Assessment During Special Period 非常时期的特殊道德及其评价
Special assessment funds must be set up in every government to fulfill governmental function and it is the one of the most important funds. 特种基金作为可用于政府特定项目或活动方面开支的基金,是各国政府都必须设立的,也是基金会计中最重要的一类基金。
In special education, dynamic assessment could measure the learning potential of special children in more sensitive and effective way. 动态评估可以解决传统评估在特殊儿童评估中存在的问题,从而更为灵敏地、更为有效地测量出特殊儿童的学习潜能。
The method combined with information-theoretic model and GIS in regional crustal stability assessment of China and primary process are discussed. Module for GIS special expansion analysis is developed. Assessment results show this method is practicable be used in regional crustal stability assessment. 探讨了信息量法模型与GIS结合进行中国区域地壳稳定性评价的方法及基本程序,开发了相应的GIS空间扩展分析模块,从评价结果来看,此方法用于进行区域地壳稳定性评价是可行的。
Particularly, by a numerical example analysis, we give a special assessment method of relevance diagrams-named as the iterative assessment method, Finally. 特别地,通过一数字例子分析。我们给出了关联图的一种特殊评估方法&迭代评估法。
For instance, Britain and Hong Kong Special Administrative Region have established the research assessment systems which directly correlate with the research funds distribution. So, they drive universities and research institutions to exchange their actual research performance for economic support. 如,英国和我国香港特别行政区制定了直接与科研经费分配挂钩的科研评价制度,迫使大学和科研机构以自己的科研实绩换取经济上的支持。
Fourth, the evaluation system of English learning in most classes is not perfect, for it lays special stress on the assessment of English tests. 第四,大多数班级的英语评价制度不够健全,偏重知识和技能的考核。
Educational authorities often carry out extra-curricular sports activities for the special assessment activities. 教育主管部门经常开展针对课外体育活动的专项评比活动。
Mongolia selects the executors through the special examinations, and carries out the special assessment. 蒙古国通过专门考试选拔执行员,并进行特别考核。
But the special equipment safety assessment in China is still on the stage of exploration today, and there is not a scientific complete standards and evaluation system in the use of safe management of special equipment. 但是,特种设备的安全评价目前在我国尚处于探索研究阶段,尚未建立起一套科学的完整的在用特种设备安全管理标准及其评价体系。